Get Access to 250M+ Influencers for Any Campaign! | Wobb

hey Sumo links it's Jay with appsumo the best place to get insane deals on business software today we're taking a look at wa an influencer marketing platform that gives you access to over 250 million influencers and streamlines campaigns across popular social channels wob is the one and only app you need to dominate influencer marketing and it helps that it's easy to use too let's start it off by finding the perfect influencers for your business wob lets you tap into a database of over 250 million influencers and when I say search I'm talking about deep customized searches for example let's say you need a female fitness influencer with 15 000 to 150 000 followers boom here they are then it's time to spend a few hours sliding into DMS right nope not with WAP just select a few or a few hundred enter your message and hit send what's even better than having access to tons of influencers that are perfect for your business sitting back and letting them come to you but before I get into that just a reminder that you can click buy now to snag this limited time deal on walk want to see more of what wob can do let's go with wob you can have the perfect influencers reaching out to work with your business it all happens in the Creator Marketplace think of it like a job board where you're doing the hiring let's create a campaign first describe the kind of influencer you need set the tone and pick a platform you can attract influencers for Content creation product reviews or affiliate marketing then just tell them what you want them to deliver whether it's reels a tick tock post or Ambassador marketing you don't need to be an expert to do this stuff you just need walk keep your influencers happy and paid with multiple payment modes you can offer barter deals fixed payments or even performance-based incentives and once you kick start your campaign you can manage everything from a simple dashboard from applicant screenings to briefing influencers wob's got your back and when it's time to pay wob makes it easy too with secure Payment Processing through escrow there's way more to wob and there's no way I can show you everything in this video so why not check it out for yourself influencer marketing is one of the most impactful ways you can grow your business so what are you waiting for grab this lifetime deal on wob today foreign

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