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sup Sumo links it's Jay from appsumo the best place to get insane deals on business software today I'm showing you how to use try humanize the AI powered long form content generator that can create SEO optimized content in record time to get started add your free open AI API key and click validate once your key is confirmed connect your WordPress site grab the site URL and add your username to keep all your info secure you can set up a custom app password just go into your account scroll down to the app password and add a new one or you can grab the automatically generated password from WordPress and drop it into try humanize then click connect WordPress and wall off your site is connected now you're all set to create your first article simply enter the target keyword the audience and set the country in language autopilot will automatically generate keyword clusters based on your info with manual mode you can enter your own keyword clusters to Target up to 15 keywords click generate when you're ready if you're already thinking about all the time you can save with Trum then don't let me stop you click the buy now button to grab your lifetime deal right now for everyone else let's dive back in the AI will generate a list of article titles based on your keywords and topic there are two types of content to choose from simple and advanced with simple you can pick the model tone of voice and perspective Advance gives you additional settings for article length and AI mode choose between normal and God mode to fine-tune and redefine your copy when you're done with settings click right to create AR based on the titles that stick once the articles are generated you can preview and download as markdown or HTML the AI generator automatically adds relevant images so you don't have to hunt down stock photos when you're happy with the blog post click the three dots to publish and just like that you're able to write blog posts and articles at scale to boost your online presence and engage with your customers want to grab this lifetime deal today just click the buy now button to get lifetime access to try humanize but don't wait this Deal's almost out the door [Music] yeah