Secure Your Business with Advanced Authorization Controls | TU Latch

What’s up, Sumo-lings? It’s Jay from AppSumo,   the best place to get insane deals on business 
software. Today, we’re checking out TU Latch — A   cutting-edge authorization control platform that 
protects your users from cybersecurity threats With easy-to-integrate APIs, SDKs, 
out-of-the-box WordPress plugins,   and granular permissions – you can protect your 
business from data leaks, compromised passwords,   phishing scams, and malware. Using digital 
latches or locks, you can ensure that only   authorized users are able to perform specific 
actions. And with the Latch mobile app,   users will be able to open 
or close latches themselves. Once you set up an application, you’ll get all 
the keys and IDs to manage it. Now you can create   an operation that automates authorization 
requests for things like intranet access. TU Latch works for all major industries, 
including fintech, blockchain, agencies,   education, insurance, and ecommerce. 
Take advantage of their Multiple plan   to create 10 applications that 
can support 200 users and up to   five operations each. That’s literally 
300% better than the basic, Single plan! You’ll be able to track every user paired with 
Latch, along with potential attacks detected   during a spike in requests.

Using TOTP tokens, 
you can set up an extra layer of security using   time-sensitive, one-time passcodes that protect 
against cyber attacks or fraudulent logins.   The TOTP function is accessible by four API 
endpoints, making integration simple and secure. TU Latch even integrates with Web3 and 
blockchain operations, limiting access   to smart contracts and decentralized 
applications. This way, only authorized   users can execute sensitive transactions 
while complying with industry standards. TU Latch guarantees heightened security 
and advanced authorization controls for   client accounts, ecommerce 
transactions, CMS logins,   and so much more. Just click “Buy Now” 
to lock in your lifetime access today!.

As found on YouTube

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