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hey everyone it's Mark Ling here and would you believe that you can earn huge affiliate Commissions in Crazy niches out there like personally I've been doing well in things like language learning learn guitar um dog training personal development um alternative beliefs and many others but I've got a friend of mine today called Vernon who is doing extremely well in another kchy little Niche for people that are interested in coffee Alternatives I mean isn't that crazy there's so many profitable niches out there so without further Ado we're going to get some tips from him today and so forth without further Ado I want to introduce you guys to Vernon welcome along thank you for having me Mark welcome everybody nice to meet everyone virtually it's great to have you here now now first of all before I ask you sort of like how you got into this stuff I want to know was coffee Alternatives like your first Niche or did you actually test out a few niches and then this one just happened to take off first so you went ahead and went Double Down tripled down let me start off with the truth that I it was honestly it was almost like Thorn D at the board um because I wasn't quite sure where to start and I was looking around and it was literally something ahead of my cabinet and so I was like okay and I realized that was a niche and that's I mean I wish I had a better do you have coffee Alternatives yourself so then you thought maybe there's a niche there maybe there's an affiliate program for something like that that I'm already interested in yeah start with what you know right I mean it just made sense to me that that's brilliant I think that's fantastic a lot of people don't always think down those lines they often look for what's the highest selling product and stuff like that but the truth is there are thousands of them I mean I've done well in daycare management software for people that run home daycare centers for 8 to 16 kids there's the Kiest of little niches are out there and then there's the bigger niches you either become a rather big fish in a small pond or you become a little in a big pond either way there's a lot to be made and you do it all through free traffic or mostly free traffic or is it a bit of both all free I have not paid for one ounce of no no paid media okay so when we say free traffic we we know that your time is worth money so just so people know we don't mean free as in two seconds and you've got all this free traffic it's it's not quite like that you you put a bit of hard work in but then that traffic is very hard to turn off so you could go on holiday come back and still find that you've got the same number of visitors coming in every day to your website that's what you mean by free traffic you kind of set up a good system going and then it's just coming naturally free traffic could come from the search engines for some people some people it's from YouTube videos I get thousands of visitors a day off YouTube videos from Google but then there some people are so good at social media that they're just getting it all from Instagram or from um Facebook and people following their Facebook page or their Facebook group or so so on and so forth so free traffic can take a lot of means where you don't have to for out money to pay for that traffic but you do have to um get some quality content out there and so forth in some way shape or form um so how did you get underway with this stuff like what made you even decide hey I'm going to start and and and what kind of sales are you making you're making a lot of sales per day um what sort of like just so people know like hey is this something that you're you're in the middle of growing you just started you're you you actually like already ramped it up and like where are you at with it so you know I can answer this I was looking at my stats actually a little bit earlier so I'm about 10 sales I think conserv I say about 10 sales on average a day um but right I want to say I'm right in the middle of it it's because as you are as I've been doing this I just noticed I made a tweak here and things went up and so I I kind of want to say I'm in the middle because I'm always looking to make things better but right now I'm about 10 sales a day on average oh that's great and what sort of commiss do you get paid um for each sale like for that kind of Niche I know every Niche is different some niches is a product they'll pay 50 bucks some will be 20 I'm I'm not really sure in this Niche for this particular one they have a couple of upsells but we're talking about on average looking at the average is about $75 so $75 a sale that's awesome because some people might have been thinking hey are you just promoting these on Amazon and getting four or 5% commission and getting $5 a sale and you're saying 10 sales a day at $75 a commissions that's that's amazing that's like a lot of people would be happy with that in a week at least when they're starting out that's you know really really inspiring and um and do you like have tips for people if they were searching for a niche for themselves like what kind of Niche to look for and how to go about finding those niches I think one of the tips um is one thing we talked about earlier look around if there's anything I can say look around at what you already have in your house what you're already using what you're already a customer for um that's definitely a big tip um because you know kind of going to the second tip as I think about it there are products and I found this by even looking around my house and what I was looking at they're looking for people to promote their products but no one knows about them right and so if you can get in on the floor right when they're getting started or before anybody knows a lot about them they will make they can be more willing to make things happen for you and that's what I can say with happened in my case that's awesome and and I forgot to go back to listen to your answer to this other question um what got you started in this in the first place and what were you doing before this so before this I had an online business um and I was doing coaching but I think the thing that I was really looking for is if when you're coaching it's not 100% you have always coaching always speaking and things like that I just wanted additional income um and I initially started this as kind of like a side project let me just see right and so it was just me being being curious and me having the time cool so what what were you coaching in like cuz you must have had a skill set there so my thing is happiness coaching and it's about showing our entrepreneurs how to be happy how to focus when they're happy that's brilliant and I I know that's a big Niche area that is another Niche that I have actually done pretty well in over the years as an affiliate what I found is um I've got one of my Niche areas is in the alternative beliefs areas like affirmations and self hypnosis and stuff like that and once every six months or so we promote a product that's all on how to be happy but also self- hypnosis tracks on how to be happy and they sell like crazy people want to be happier that is one big area that everyone wants to be happier and if you have a good product that actually genuinely gets results with people then and they get more out of themselves and they live their purpose and they'll buy they'll pay money for that so I see why that was a good Niche to be in but um like you said like you if it's you doing all the coaching that was obviously more time intensive and that you're not earning if you're not coaching I guess cuz you said it was coaching it wasn't like you're selling a a course then like a membership site it was a you were a one-on-one coach for you right and and honestly is what you were saying if I'm not working if I'm not coaching income's not coming in right and so it just makes sense why I even kind of looked into this area right so I tell you now that you know how to sell the coffee stuff you could literally record your make a course and sell the happiness stuff without people having to be there like it' be lower price cuz it's they're not having you one-on-one but just saying just just that just popped into my head and then guys like me could promote you as an affiliate and earn a commission and you've got your your course you just made me really happy thank you Mark taking a note on that I know they sell I know it also if it's a good course and you've got results with people and it's a yeah anyway sorry we went off on a little tangent there but that's how it happens in affiliate marketing you do end up going off on little tangents some people say to me are you too scatterbrained and I'll say yes I am I know that you can go better if you focus on one Niche you double down you triple down and you focus everything you can on that one Niche absolutely but I also Embrace that I am a little scatterbrained and I can still make affiliate marketing work so well Bingo I'm in the same B because there's I mean a lot of um people with retail stores have a lot of products on their store um as an affiliate you don't have to make each product so you can promote any of them you know I can promote a horse racing product if I want to I could promote a product on on anything in any Niche and the the worst that happens for me is I set up a website and I get a trickle of visitors and I make the odd sale here and there if I didn't double down and really push that far enough and but those sales still creep in throughout the year and then the next year and things still sort of sell and then the best that happens is you end up with this other source of income that's bringing in another thousand a week or a few hundred a week and all these little tiny sour add up and then you have the odd one like yours where it does like yours doing like 750 a day like you get the odd one like that and then you end up like having this big like quite a big decent decent income that's kind of hard to shut off um so discovering the free traffic method I know that you you obviously came across um Jason and Donathan um Donathan and what in the is the key for you like that made things work like um you don't have to give away all the best Secrets but if you could give somebody a tip if they were starting out as an affiliate let's say they knew how to get a website online like what would you say to them I I'll make up a niche for you so it's a little bit easier let's say that they were promoting um body wraps because that's a niche I've made a bunch of sales in like body wraps like you wrap like you put certain body wraps on you put s of minerals in it and stuff and you wear it for a certain amount of time per day and it and it and it helps you with weight loss and stuff like let's say they were selling body wraps like what would you do what would you say to them as as any tips you'd have first saying you have to be a customer if there's one tip that I would recommend strongly um it's I would want to buy the product because I would want to see and feel what it's like um and even for me it's about understanding because it changes the way that you can you understand the way the consumers purchase once you become the customer yourself you're like oh okay um and the next thing I would do is think about that process when you're buying anything what do you do you know are you a researcher are you do you um are you the type of person who goes to the website and does a you know check their dimensions are you the type of person who asks people and understand how people can start pursuing you know the product that you're purchasing and you know really let apply that to every step that you're doing along the way as well because it does help with the way you talk about the product um that's a really good point um and if for some reason you are not the target market for any product um you just got to go ahead and get on all of those sites where people buyers are congregating and read and really get to know them you have to take a huge interest in that market so for instance you could go on Amazon and look at all the customer reviews of all the body wraps products you might not be promoting an Amazon body wrap product it might be on another site that pays you $50 commission but you're going to if you read all of the positive and negative reviews of body RX products say on Amazon you'll start to get a feel for Ah that's what they were looking for that's why they got it you get to know the market um but it can help even more if you already are the market I I like your tip there because then it's so much easier to get into that mindset isn't it if you already are a consumer of that product yeah you know think about um you know let's just say you have a a beverage that maybe you're promoting there's things that you would think about if you're the person who drinks if you're the actual consumer of that product you're going to think about oh um is it fizzy does it you know pour into you know does it have a certain smell there's little aspects that people can pick up on that they won't even be conscious of that help with like conversions or help you understand why they buy yeah no absolutely it's like say let's say you enter the dog training Niche and you heard it it's a really big Niche but you don't have a dog so you may not think about something like I I don't know um you'll know you people want to know how to stop dogs from barking but you may not word it in the right way where it's like right you know never be NE you know imagine never having to rush outside and um at night when you've let your dog out for a pee and they've suddenly started barking at the neighbor's cat imagine that never being an embarrassing scenario for you again um you know just stuff like that like there there's lots of little little things that um you know if you own a dog or you are in that situation that um you know can make such a dramatic difference so yeah I think that's that's great advice there um and and that can help you with your keyword research too if you're trying to rank in the search engines and I know you do um actually the long people like to use keyword research tools but the problem is there are a lot of phrases out there that don't even enter the keyword research tools because they might only list all the ones that have on average every month has 100 searches for it or something 50 or whatever there are so many search phrases that get searched for 50 to 100 times that never enter those keyword research tools these are the kind of phrases it may not be as simple as stop dog barking at cat but even a phrase like that even if it's in there it's probably not a very um it's not a saturated phrase it's probably a phrase that it's not that hard to rank for say right um because it's longer and what are your thoughts though are you finding that you're getting a lot of traffic from long tail phrases long hands down I'm sorry I cut you off but no no no you're right I want to listen to you get your tips long tail has been my bread and butter um it's what you're saying when people are in a particular need right they might not say dog barking at cat they might say dog keeps me up all night long what can I do right and it's those longtail phrases that people use in language have been my bread and butter hands down right so yeah so you don't have to be ranking at all for dog training say if you're in the dog training Niche or for coffee Alternatives it's wonderful if you do and you might be making you might be making 75,000 a day if you're ranking number one for coffee Alternatives so but but there's a lot to be made from all of those longtail phrases they add up I mean imagine if there was a curve and then the most highly searched for term is right there and yes if you ranked for that you'd get so much of the benefit just from those few phrases but if you rank for a ton of these phrases here you can get a lot of visitors to your site yes you can and um and and how long did it take you from starting that site to see your first sale because because you got to be patient a bit with um free traffic it it it I want to say you get I did was patient but we're talking a little bit over two months and that's with starting and getting to this kind of place where I'm like oh my gosh I feel like you know commissions are starting to come in continuously um I got traffic pretty quickly fantastic I I I think that's awesome um yeah like that's pretty much what what I found as well for me it was um around about two months into using their system because I've been testing their system as well that started seeing the first sales and now it's sort of scaled up into thousands of dollars but definitely you've got to be patient and I think that's the big difference in search marketing from Paid traffic if you've got no patience you have to do paid traffic because then you can see instantly does that convert does it not and all of that stuff because you can buy the traffic okay but if you don't if you willing to be really patient and Implement a plan and be willing to see delayed gratification for what you've done then free traffic can be super awesome um to me I I feel like why don't you do both anyway um longterm anyway you know like cuz cuz that some for some people and for me when I promote something whether it be paid traffic or free traffic first quite often I end up doing the other anyway so paid traffic this thing selling really well and then I go okay I need to invest some of the money into free traffic now I know it's when I say invest money I mean pay one of my staff to do all the free traffic stuff right I could be doing it myself but you know um or if I'm getting free traffic and it's well then I go I just want to test if buying traffic to this will also convert well now yes or no it's worth a test you know um so it's not essential but I'm just saying like quite often they both go together it's not always a one or the other decision um so do you do other things outside of search traic do you go and make a little Community or a newsletter or anything like that to get repeat traffic and stuff like that with your um with your site now that it's doing well glad asked that's one of the things I've been experimenting with I'm in the process of well I have a newsletter I'm just in the process of collecting emails because not every person that comes to my site is going to purchase right but that could be still a potential to be able to grab someone up right then to T to talk to them later but so I'm literally in the process of getting that set up oh no that that's brilliant yeah because that for me when I first started a newsletter on one of my sites back this is a long time ago like 20 years ago or something because I've been online i' made over a million online at that point Point I've been online for about four years I started a newsletter and 90 days later I had doubled all my earnings from all my websites by having newsletters on there because certain percentage of people like they they sign up for like you'll figure out what they sign up for maybe it'll be a free health health tips newsletter for your site or something else and then you find they either buy the original product the third time they've seen it or the fourth time or they buy the next product you promote maybe three weeks into your sequence or yep you know and is amazing I I was stunned two years into owning a newsletter I found that when I did this um report I was checking over um when people were buying and I and I remember I remember this I checked nine months into the sequence of one of the sequences that was it was starting to get 50 opin a day so it was quite a lot of opts wow so nine months into that sequence people were still buying the products that were promoted at nine months you know and I'm not saying they weren't buying the products later I just remember that was the specific time period I was just quickly like having a check like what's this product when's it promoted it's n months in and I'm still making sales with that every week you know and that's what made me think gez there's a lot lot left on the table if you don't do that so that's another way people good tip it's a way to double pretty much whatever you're doing you should you you'll probably find eventually you're doing double um might just take it takes time though you might not see the results immediately you might see it like I say if all of those things take time to add up like those later newsletters add up then y um then you know it can take a little while before you know that you're at Double like could be three months six months but um yeah like sounds I'm very excited for you I think that sounds awesome thank I'm excited hearing what your results were like that's great yeah yeah definitely em emails huge and and communities are huge today too you know you could easily at some point build a little Facebook group around it and stuff like that and you know um yeah it's pretty amazing what you can do um but you can't do everything at once it's just one at a time get it going get it going well and then you go should I build another thing or should I double down on what I'm doing or should I do what I'm doing but in another language like translate it and you know Spanish version of coffee Alternatives Etc like so much um so much you can do that's why when people ask me is the saturated I'm never worried about saturation because there's thousands of niches and there's thousands of opportunities within those niches it's personally that's my personal take but yep um you may not have the same take I don't know like what's what's your take on all of that stuff so so far it's actually Iration for me um it's what we were talking about the longtail keywords I wasn't able to to Really catch attention until really get a lot more attention to get organic that free organic traffic until I really focus on those longtail keywords and there was there's I'm not g to say with the project is but there's no one there right so it's I'm going through the back door so I'm a huge believer if it's saturated that's when you just have to work a little differently um but I I don't if it was yes there's always yes and no to saturation isn't there like yes yes it's saturated if you are thinking write down the most obvious stuff right in that Niche the most obvious areas of the niche the biggest giantest areas are always going to be more likely to be saturated yes you are correct but the there's just zillions of like stray hairs everywhere exactly that that's never saturated but I do like to see you know kind of going with that first example of sat ation I do like to see a lot of competition because I know there's money there um and that's how I look at it so when I see that I'm like oh this is gonna be fun um but even W with my product it was coffee alternative that's that was a lot of competition there so I was like oh this is this is sexy I like this but I just had to CH think a little differently but um yeah and it'll be interesting to see what other products they buy um because you may find other things that not not a coffee alternative but maybe some of the you might find out one day you do a survey and you find out that a third of them are diabetics or something like that and then you go ah maybe maybe there's a there's um a chocolate alternative or there's some other stuff that or low sugar chocolate or something all these other things that you can earn commissions on later in your list you know I think food items are going to be big for you but so could be but that's why I'm so excited for the newsletter there's things that I know that I'm going to find out of that people who I mean my thinking anyway people who come to my site they've got I would imagine they have something in common right and so what if they are diabetic what if they are uh 27 year old and looking for certain products that you know I can you know talk to them about through a newsletter so that's what I'm excited about to see the opportunities well what if they're struggling with sleep that's why they want a coffee alternative exactly but they will buy a self hypnosis track that helps them sleep the night like cuz I know our self hypnosis tracks on sleep they sell well I know you know potentially that's a market you know I'm not saying you promote us I'm just saying in general like there's so many little subplots that could happen if you go that bit further with a newsletter so that that's pretty cool that's a great great um thing that's coming up for you um so yeah looking forward to hearing how that goes appreciate that tip so we've gone off on quite a tangent here uh wasn't necessarily the intention but that's what happens once you get going with the stuff it's I find it fun and it sounds like you're having a ball doing it as well Vernon the affiliate marketing stuff the free traffic um so what would you say to anybody that was interested in jumping on a workshop because I'm going to run a workshop with Donathan and Jason the people that you learned the method from to do all this stuff I'm going to be running a free one the link should be in the description below or below this video somewhere what would you say to anyone that at this point they're they're reasonably interested in joining that you're going to see really quickly that you need to be there like you're going to be very happy if there's anything that I can say um to anybody who might be on the fence it's not saturated you're overthinking it if there's anything that I have learned from doing this is I was overthinking it by so much keep it simple and once you get on there once you you know you see these guys you'll understand that wow this this is where I should be this is where I need to be and honestly like this is that breath of fresh a I've been looking for and um they've got their own sort of secret stash of tools I know a lot of people have ai and stuff but theirs is calibrated to how they think and what their method is so theirs is trained they call it their AI brain or something like that it's basically trying to unload what how they think into the AI so that it writes like them it researches like them stuff like that so there's a lot of Automation in it um but obviously there's the human element as well which you've been talking a lot about today Veron and I think that's why you succeeded so quickly because you kind of merged a bit of both together didn't you you you you did all your research yourself did you write all your articles yourself or did you use their system as well and do part part AI part part you part AI part me so did perfect that's good to know I just interested in that um so at the very least I I just highly recommend that you check it out if you are somebody that is at all interested in this check it out you may decide at the end of the workshop you you'll have three decisions one this is not for me but I know what I'm saying no to two this is for me but I'm going to go off and do it myself I I get the gist of it now they've taught me so much stuff I think I can do this myself or three I get it I want their tools I want their coaching I want to go with them I want to join their program and and some of you will want to join that as well so there's three you know there's three ways of going about it either way there's a lot of huge value for you guys being delivered on this particular workshop with this particular method so I hope to see a lot of you guys there um I wanted to say a big thank you to you Vernon for being on this call you've been you've been fantastic actually we've done some great brainstorming together and um and you're really inspiring what you've managed to achieve and I really think that you're going to make a difference to some people out there are going to watch this and that's going to be the Catalyst that gets them started and I just want to say a big thank you for being here Mark I got to say thank you as well there's so many opportunities out there everybody there's so many thank you Mark for having me here all right guys take action with what you learned and see you next time bye for now everyone take care

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