Transform Your Video Hosting & Streaming Quality Using Gumlet

what's happening sumalings I'm Jay with appsumo the best place to get insane deals on business software today we're looking at gumlin a video hosting platform that delivers stunning streaming experiences plus an intuited video CMS packed with digital Rights Management features the first trick up gumlet sleeve is the parallel video processing that means you can upload tons of videos onto the CMS at the same time and while they're uploading you can create titles descriptions and tags for every single video there's even a function that lets you freeze frames for the perfect thumbnail right on the video page if you want to share videos with clients and teammates but don't have the time to mock something up government's got you covered with a pre-built video channel page it's like having your own personal YouTube channel so if you're all ready to transform your video hosting and offer the highest quality streaming experience for your followers just hit that buy now button for everybody else we're back from the commercial break now let's check out some other awesome streaming features gumlet can automatically add subtitles to your videos in multiple languages there's also the player customizations which let you brand your video pages and quick add-on features to include things like automated SEO video preloads and vast tags for monetization on your video player but it's time for the Big Kahuna gauntlets video processing templates AKA profiles you these profiles automate your video processing for different clients teams and use cases this is where those fancy output settings come into play for my fellow nerds gumlet utilizes a little thing called per title encoding for other folks that means you're getting the highest possible compression without compromising on quality bottom line this is going to simplify your entire CMS no more waiting around for upload cues you'll be able to manage all your video content with collections profiles and automate your publishing with built-in SEO but that's not all government's digital Rights Management features allow you to protect all your video content from those internet Pirates and thieves tools like Dynamic watermarking Geo blocking and storage encryption will ensure only you can control and own your videos and when your videos are out there in the wild gauntlets analytics dashboard will help you grow an audience you'll be able to filter through user device and location metrics to find data-driven insights also you can do what matters most make incredible content all you got to do is tap that buy now button to transform your video hosting and take your video streaming to like Netflix status [Music] all right Netflix [Music]

As found on YouTube

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