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hey Sumo links it's Jay with appsumo the best place to get insane deals on business software today we're taking a look at Prosper a referral marketing platform that lets customers share products earn rewards and boost sales with Word of Mouth marketing Prosper lets your customers share their favorite products and stag rewards instantly that means listen close to this part your customers do the selling for you it's genius and it's all thanks to prosper's one-of-a-kind widget it lets customers refer their friends with no interruptions that means they don't have to create an account or even navigate away from their buying process everything happens on the page they're already on all they have to do is put in a friend's contact info and they get rewarded Prosper rewards happen in real time which means as soon as they share a product or promotion with a friend they get a discount immediately they can even use it on the purchase they're making right now that means more conversions which means more referrals which means more conversions which means well you get it ready to leverage this insane power of referrals then click buy now to skip the rest of this video and start making more money but if you want to learn more about Prosper let's keep going let's check out the referral dashboard you can keep an eye on your total referrals campaigns and other analytics oh and you can customize your widget design with your brand colors and a bunch of other options instantly connect your Prosper account to your Shopify store to start using your Shopify discounts as rewards pretty cool you have all kinds of customization options here too including the messaging your customers will see Prosper will blend in seamlessly with your brand to drop your customer acquisition cost like a rock once you have it set up how you want it all you got to do is click the HTML code and head over to your site and bada bing bada boom you can paste that code wherever you want it to appear prosper's widget Works wherever you need it product pages checkout carts or even post checkout it's Max visibility without breaking a sweat so what's not to like I guess if skyrocketing sales with like zero effort isn't your thing then Prosper isn't for you otherwise go ahead and click that buy now button to grab this lifetime deal tests Prosper project prosper's widget Works once you have it set up how you know