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when is sora's release date that's what everyone wants to know we're going to talk about when sora's release date is how to use Sora this is a beginner's guide my name is Ryan bordon and let's jump into this so what is Sora first of all so stick with me I'm going to talk about the release date but what is Sora Sora is a AI model that can create realistic and imaginative scenes from text instructions so what that means is you can punch in some text so create a video with colorful paper airplane as you can see in the background here flying through the trees right and then it just creates the video up to 60 seconds long there are lots of videos we can see and go through here for example there's videos with Wily Mammoth and all of this is being done with text right so for example here it says a drone view of waves crashing against the rugged Cliffs along big S gray or gar Point Beach the crashing Blue Waters create white tipped waves while the golden light on the anyways you can see the rest of it here it's long prompt I'm not going to read it all and so for this one it's much shorter an animated scene with a close-up of a fluffy monster kneeling beside a melting red candle and then you can even give it Styles like the art style is 3D and realistic with a focus on lighting and texture right and so so on and so forth right you can go into depth you can do more you can do less some of these are very basic like this one is a gorgeously rendered papercraft world of coral reef rif with colorful fish and sea creatures right you just punch that in you get get back this video right that's kind of what Sora is I'm going to go into it a little bit more as we move on here but how do we use Sora and more than likely get access to Sora at this time right so basically at this point Sora is it's created by open AI right which is the same company that uh runs chat gbt they own chat gbt they own dolly dolly is the image generation portion chat GPT obviously is the text generation portion and then Sora is the video generation portion here that generates the videos that sort of thing so you basically have all the different components that they're bringing together now how we use Sora more than likely you're going to have access to Sora through so sour uh open AI typically launches the products via their uh subscription plan so for example they have couple of plans they have the plus plan so you have free version which is like I don't know you get some basic features but you can't generate images and um more than likely won't have sore considering you have to pay to get images you most likely have to pay to get sore too the plus plan is 20 bucks a month that's their basic plan then you can get the team's plan which is like 25 bucks if you have a team and that sort of stuff but like I just have like the $20 plan and it's sufficient I never run out so the point here is you're probably going to spend 20 bucks a month for Sora to be able to have access the price might actually go up I suspect honestly that the price will go up but they have not said for sure if the price will go up nonetheless it's 20 bucks a month right now and so that's probably how you get access so you can subscribe to this and the people who are subscribed are most likely access first now how do you actually use Sora it's going to be pretty basic on the usage so for example this is a photo realistic close-up video of two pirate ships battling each other as they sail in a cup of coffee so you we just take the text prompt we'll see what happens when we pop it into to chat gbt here right now it's not going to give us uh video because Sora isn't out at this exact second um but it would give us an image and it's complaining because I said to give it a video so let's let do a image here I'm going to pause it just because it takes a second and I will be right back when the image is done all right so the image is done obviously it is some pirate ships and a cup of coffee not the same as Sora but the concept is there right so you would punch this in and you're going to get back to video I got back and image obviously the video is way cooler and way more accurate and that sort of stuff which you can just get some really crazy stuff here and even with some realistic with some really basic prompts you can get so like this one has a cartoon kangaroo disco dances and you like get this it's a pretty decent I mean that's a good quality video for just typing that out and it it understands what it is that you want and that's a 10-second video it looks like obviously you can get more you can add more to it or probably generate different ones and stream together but you can get up to 60 seconds anyways so the next question that most people ask is this right here so we have Sora videos that sort of stuff can you make money with AI videos right because obviously this is cool right the the disco dancing kangaroo and it's um great for entertainment value but what can we do to make some money with AI videos because it's it's great to watch stuff and that's cool uh if it's Friday night but on Tuesday afternoon I need to make some money right so can you make money with AI videos the answer is yes let me show you for example this is the past four weeks and we can refresh here just so you can see it this is stripe this is one of our payment gateways uh we have PayPal as well and that sort of thing but the past four weeks is like $244,000 and we can roll the past 12 month and see $629,000 Etc right so there's a lot of money that to be made obviously this money isn't necessarily being made with Sora at the moment it's being made with AI video though uh a lot of the money is coming from that and so I'm going to show you actually how to do that but before we jump into that and the release date if you could do me a favor uh if you think that this kind of video is helpful if you could leave me a yes down in the comments let me know that uh you actually liked this video found it helpful helps with the YouTube algorithm and all the rest as well um so if you can stop and leave me a yes down there that would be great then also there is a giveaway if you go to sorry wrong page if you go to the AI giveaway it's actually the AI giveaway.com it will come here and you can get entered to win $11,000 of free AI products right so different ways you can enter the giveaway that sort of thing in fact you can even get the courses here there's a bunch of free courses and free list of tools you can get that's one of the ways you can do it uh anyways so you can jump over there and get entered in the actual giveaway but let's jump back here to Sora and talk about this so the way that you can make money by utilizing AI video we're going to talk about that in a minute but right now let's talk about how do you get access to sore and the release date so who has access to Sora right now the red team is the only people that has access to Sora which are the researchers that identify they basically try and break it and so they got to make sure that it's safe uh among other things before they go give giving it out so it doesn't start creating videos inappropriately the last thing we need is you know young kids to be able to generate videos that are problematic obviously that would be bad among other things right so obviously it has to be safe and the red team is working on that right now so where does that leave us like when can you and I actually get access to Sora and the answer is we don't know yet so some people have estimated things some quote unquote experts but I've heard different dates but they're all over the map and some of them are really far out like saying by the end of 2024 or 2025 and uh the history shows us that open and I moves exponentially faster than that so I would anticipate that it will be rather soon but as soon as it becomes available it'll be loaded into chat GPT so how do we make money with AI video right now or get started with AI video right now whatever your use case is for it and the answer to that is first to try to understand uh what video really is which is it is some sort of motion in the background we can obviously see that here with Sora there's motion there's kangaroo whatever there is no sound here with Sora there's no uh text and script it's just the motion right so there's no like talking that sort of thing and so we have to look at those three components so you have the audio and then they have the idea in the script so the audio might be the sound effects as his feet hit the floor here or the music that he's dancing to or the people in the back background you know making noise and clapping and whatever right and then the idea in the script is somebody talking you know about how crazy it is or perhaps it's an animal talking in this case or whatever but you get the point right usually you have Motion Audio and some sort of idea or script that's being used now we can go to chat GPT and go ahead and generate images like this so there are some AI video tools out there um that generate like a couple second videos they're mostly pretty poor uh and things don't work out right and and they turn they morph into other things and it's sort of weird so the easiest way to do AI video right now is to utilize images that are created on point and let chat GPT create images and then turn around and create the script and then you can use a third party Source like uh 11 labs to create the audio and then you can put them all together so like what does that look like we could generate a bunch of images around what we have and then throw them all in the cap cut I have an example here so you can see all the images so I made a bunch of images as I roll across here you can see up here in the middle the different images coming through here and then um I have the audio generated down here I'll play it for you in a second a little bit of it and then I have the script as you can see the words on there talking and that sort of stuff and so basically you have to go out and get each one of these images from chat GPT bring them all in here dump them all down here one by one by one then you need to go and have chat GPT generate a script and then go to 11 labs and pick up the audio and pop it in here and get it all synced up and then you can have it generate all of the text over top of it here so let's actually watch this just for a moment so let's play this how to make money online when you are broke this question might be echoing in your mind now imagine the awe in your girl's eyes when she discovers that you found the answer yes you're making money online right now it's not just about survival it's about thriving this isn't just paycheck it's about taking control pushing okay right so you get the concept and so additionally we would want to add motion to these which we can do I didn't do it in this video because it's already takes about 20 to 30 minutes to pull this together uh for one video here and you I'm just using a program called cap cut which is a free program so 20 to 30 minutes to pull this together for a video but uh then I got to add the motion to it and I didn't get that done so it's okay but there's a much easier way to do this and we can actually just go to a tool called shifi and shifi lets us let me log in here it lets us bring everything together all basically with one click so there's a couple different ways we can do this we're just going to click on uh the image to video tool here and we we can do an idea or a script so if I want to do an idea we could say um a disco dancing C karoo you don't have to spell it right so we can generate that um we can do some different things I'm going to do animation and I'm going to set it to a portrait we can make like widescreen ones or you know vertical ones for the different social platforms and then I'm I'm just going to grab a voice here and that's fine we're going to leave no music off and I'm going to go ahead and generate this video and then I'm also going to generate uh a more business centered one so for example we could use like a top five website video so this one is already have a script in here but we could there's another tool here if we don't have a script in here we can take an existing video Throw It In Here let it get transcribed get the script come back over here and pop it in here so this is a tool this script says get ready for mind bending AI discover amazing video tool.com where your wildest dreams and so you can put affiliate stuff in here so amazing video tool.com could be a domain you register and then you point it to like an affiliate Link in fact you can actually be an affiliate of shifi for example and sell that tool or like whatever else you want you can actually go to scary toolbox.com and there's an entire list of tools that will pay you to promote them it's quite long and so you can sign up for any one of these tools and sell them and basically what you're doing is you're doing a video that's kind of like a top side five website where it says hey um you know these are websites it's a passive way so you're not like actively trying to sell stuff cuz nobody really wants to actively try to sell so let me show you a video like that so I can more accurately convey this concept all right so make over $50,000 last month first tool is scary tool bot.com this tool gives you a free checklist of different tools that you can promote and make money as an affiliate the second tool is shiny.
comom this tool uses AI to create viral short videos and you can customize it by choosing a voice over inside the tool last tool is an AI sender that helped me to send millions of emails with just one click and get thousands of leads if you want me to send it to you reply with the word email in the comments below okay so you get the concept it's just a passive video you put it up you say you know these tools help me make money or these are scary tools or whatever and then you just tell people about the tools so it's just a recommendation of a tool and what the tool does but the tools can be yours right so they can be websites where you just point them to one of your affiliate links right here and you just register the websites put in your affiliate links and then when somebody signs up you get paid so pretty straightforward on the affiliate side of things let's go back and see if our video here I'm going to pause this and let this video render here so we can see the other kind of video that we were making with the idea and actually while that's rendering another thing you can do so you can obviously sell affiliate stuff but you can even sell services with this so in one of the top five websites you can say this website gives you uh videos every month for your business with no work for you and then you could just point it your own website and you could sell services so you could use shifi to say okay I'm going to sell a video service that is going to cost you know a th000 bucks a month right $1,000 a month and I'm going to give them like 20 videos a month and then schedule them out right for them with a tool like radar there's lots of scheduling tools where you can just plug in their social accounts and then you can schedule away way right so you can put this there and then when someone comes they watch your video they come to your website they see that what they can do they might have some questions you answer the questions they sign up it's 1,000 bucks a month that you're getting and all you're going to do is use shifi to create the videos and the cool thing here is that shifi right now is doing videos just like you saw there a moment ago where it is utilizing images creating the motion uh the script and all of the audio and that sort of stuff and sewing it all together for you but it's also SE already so as soon as Sora does come out uh it's going to get plugged right into shiny and then you just get the upgrade and so it'll be using Sora to make the videos instead of using the current AI that it's using because Sora is obviously going to be better so you're going to get even better video generation than you get right now and so it's s ready ready to go so let me pause this here and then we'll see this video that we made and we'll move on okay so kangaroo video is done we'll watch this for a second for you each leap and twist tells a story of Joy Rhythm and so you can see basically it's obviously generated the video uh it set motion to it and then we could have optionally had it put the uh the words on the screen the captions right so obviously applying this to a more business setup we would punch in you know if we were selling this to like I don't know a carpenter right we could put in a script about a carpenter or we can just put in an idea and it will generate the script for us we can put in some ideas some components of it with the idea hey you know we service Dallas Texas right and we build sheds driveways and uh decks right so you can put that all in and give you a script and then you could sell those videos to the people obviously and then you could put in uh your top five website videos or other videos and post those on social to get the leads in the first place so obviously there's a few moving pieces here AI isn't a push a button and you know ,000 shows up in your bank account thing otherwise people would just smash the button and then there would really be no such thing as money because it would be so much of it right it would flood everything a little bit of work uh a few moving pieces that sort of stuff to that end in fact there is a boot camp starting soon starting in the next week and you can jump over to Soaring riches where is it here um here it is so soaring riches bootcamp.com and I'll put the link in the description and it's going to cover everything that you need to be able to do this basically so how to use AI video how to do the prompts for Sora how to prepare for when Sora does launch so that you're 100% Sora ready how to you know make money with Affiliates how to set up for services and sell the services and that sort of thing there's going to be uh some templates even that you can so the whole thing will be recorded with unlimited replays and you can even hand the thing to a VA and have a VA run it for you so VA can basically create all your AI videos for you whether you're promoting your own business doing Affiliates selling services such as AI video or other services whatever you're selling you know you can use it with anything right so the boot Camp's over there at Soaring riches boot camp if you're in the boot camp I will see you next Tuesday when it goes live and until then Happy earning