Google’s New Search Engine – HUGE Changes are Coming to Blogging

Google just gave us their first look at their new search engine that they plan to launch later this year I'm going to show you what it looks like and give you some insights into what I think it means for the future of blogging [Music] let's start by taking a look at this new search engine and let's see what's actually changing the first big change is actually the way that we ask Google questions because they're incorporating AI we're able to use much more natural language so if I wanted to know which is better Bryce Canyon National Park or Arches National Park for a family with children under three years old and a dog that would probably require a lot of different searches today I would have to search you know activities available for children under three at Arches National Park or are dogs allowed at Bryce Canyon National Park Etc I'd probably end up doing a dozen searches or more sort of researching this topic and most of the content I would come across wouldn't really help me very much in fact I do a bunch of searches and I'd probably end up not clicking on any articles for a lot of them because it wouldn't really be quite what I needed with this new search engine you're going to be able to literally just type in that whole question and you're going to get a result now let's talk about what's changing next and that is actually the results the first thing that you're going to notice looking here is that the featured snippet is gone instead what we're getting is an AI powered snapshot that's what they called it essentially what this is is we're getting a bit of information right up front that was generated by an AI that information came from a bunch of other blog content some of which may be featured right over there to the side you'll see that there's actually three in this example three featured pieces of content from the web then in the upper right you can actually click to expand that view and it'll open up other pieces of content that help corroborate what the AI generated basically what I took that to mean is this is all of the content that we took our answer from but the AI essentially took what those blog posts say and then generated an answer that was very specific to the question that you asked one thing about this AI generated answer is that it is very high level as I looked at even the example that they gave yes it gives some cool information that maybe starts pointing me the right direction but it doesn't really like plan my trip for me it doesn't tell me everything I want to know it doesn't even necessarily tell me for sure which of those Parks is probably going to be better for me it just gives me some high level guidance then I still need to look into content you'll notice that just below the AI powered snapshot are a whole bunch of regular search results they have a little bit of a different look to them than what we had before but from what I could tell they basically just look like normal search results based upon the query that was asked again because of the way we're able to use more natural speech in the search query itself where Google's going to be able to give us much more Rich results and have a better understanding of what our intent was behind that search which I actually think is going to help give better search results another interesting thing they showed was for product based searches I thought it was really interesting and I actually kind of like this that the AI generated portion at the very beginning in that snapshot what it did is it actually gave some specific criteria that you'd probably want to consider when making this product decision rather than telling you this is the best product it's really hard to know I think for an AI to tell you which is the in the example here which is the best bike for somebody that commutes five miles a day in hilly terrain it's not going to be able to give you a specific definitive answer but it did give you some specific criteria and then make a whole bunch of recommendations those recommendations are being pulled from Google's shopping database essentially there are just billions and billions of products in this database and so what it's doing is it's pulling those products and then pulling in some basic information and pricing about each one so you can kind of look at those and click through you'll notice that those same three like featured pieces of content are still there and those seem to be linking to articles that answer that question so if I were asking what what's the best bike for somebody that commutes five miles up and down Hills one of those articles may be an article somebody wrote literally on that topic or something very similar and they'd probably be really good sources to look at I can still expand and see kind of where the AI got its information so maybe I could come up with some additional criteria to consider when deciding which product to buy that'd be kind of cool too but then I can you know collapse that and I can go back and I can again look at the search results and see what other information that Google's going to provide for me including reviews from bloggers who have reviewed Different Bikes for people who commute daily and on and on and on right the other cool thing is if you click on one of those products it's then going to pull up a whole bunch of information about those that specific product and different retails where you can buy it it's kind of cool it's more user friendly so as a user of search it feels like a much better experience than what we've had before instead of it just being like just give me a bunch of stuff from the internet a whole bunch of different links to of different places it's providing me with better information and it's giving me sort of more like a menu of stuff that I can sift through and decide which pieces are going to apply to me I think it's going to help people find their answers better but that seems like something that could have an impact on us and the traffic that we get to our blogs so we're going to talk about that next another thing that Google's adding with the search engine is ask a follow-up and what this is is essentially it's another box that's going to show up underneath the AI powered snapshot where you can ask a follow-up question to the question you already asked and you're not going to have to provide it with all of the context of the first question you can literally just ask a very simple like conversational follow-up question for example with the bikes you could literally ask a follow-up question that's red e-bikes and it would take the context of everything you asked before and then it would further refine the search to only cover red e-bikes rather than all bikes that would work for that commute if that makes sense essentially the context of everything you've searched before is going to be included that is until you leave and start a whole new search but real quick I want to tell you that this new search engine is something that is really important for us to understand it's not rolling out yet but it's going to before too long and we do really need to understand the impact it's going to have on blogging so that we can try to preempt that at least a little bit we actually have information about the future and we're going to get more so I have joined the waitlist to hopefully become an early user of the new search engine so that I can test it out try it out and see how it acts and how my behavior would change as I use the search engine to help you understand better how it's going to impact you as a blogger so if you want to know more about that make sure that you stay tuned to the channel where I'll be sharing more and more information as it becomes available to me and as I'm able to do some testing maybe consider consider subscribing if that's something you haven't done yet now let's talk about the impact that these changes I think you're going to have on blogging first let's talk about the way people can naturally ask those questions to Google I mentioned that because people can use more natural language and include more of the things that they're wondering about in the search query Google's going to have a much better understanding of that user's intent behind their search rather than just something so specific that Google doesn't really know why you're searching it and so we as bloggers have kind of had to guess because of that Google's going to be able to feature a much more relevant and in many cases much more specific content for that user so what I think that means is that much more often than today we're going to see the most helpful content be what surfaces more often so the Google rather than having to rely on other ranking factors to decide which piece of content's the best they're going to be able to lean much more heavily on relevancy which I think is actually something that benefits us as bloggers especially if we're focused on creating unique and helpful content now changing from Snippets to this AI powered snapshot actually seems to be increasing the amount of content that's featured right at the top of the serp so we may end up actually having more opportunities to get our content featured than we had before now this may end up eliminating Snippets which could impact the way that we go about trying to get our content featured but I still think that answer targets may be a great way to go because by having a very helpful concise but complete answer to specific search queries is gonna just make it really obvious to Google that this is the question you're answering and so if that question you're answering is all or even just a piece of the query that somebody searched on Google your content will have a much better chance of being featured so for the time being I'm not going to be really changing my strategy around answer targets I don't think we need to go back and update all of our blog posts and remove them by any means I honestly think they're going to continue to help us because they're going to make it really clear to Google Google what our article is about and that we're answering that specific question within the article the next thing is that Google's now going to be able to show to display in one serp a lot of different angles to the question that you asked right because they're going to be able to get much more insight into what you're actually asking this also means a couple of other things one it means that kind of more really specific queries separate queries will all be able to show up on the same serp but it also means that for each really specific query fewer results are going to be displayed so what that means is if you wrote a blog post that answers a really specific search query and currently ranks number 20.

it may not get like any Impressions when this new search engine rolls out even if it's getting some today and so it's going to be much more important than ever before to make sure we're ranking in the top 10. but here's the cool thing there are a lot of times really specific search queries that people don't know to search because they're not really far enough into the niche to understand it right but Google is going to be able to recognize the question they're asking know what it means and provide them with those other more unique angles that they're not currently able to do and so because of that if you're currently ranking really high for some of these really kind of Niche topics I think it's actually more likely that those Niche topics will be featured more often or that they'll at least surface as part of the serp I actually think that's a pretty exciting thing for those more specific queries that aren't being covered in a lot of depth so what that means is for really highly competitive but very specific search queries it's probably going to be a lot harder because it's again less likely that people are going to click through that many search results because there's going to be so much other information presented to them with the follow-up feature that I talked about earlier I actually think users are probably going to end up spending more time searching the web than before not less people are already speculating that with Google providing an AI generated answer users aren't going to have any reason to need to click into blog posts from the AI generated answers I've seen so far I honestly don't believe that's going to be the case the AI is not pulling everything that it can from the web to provide just one answer what it's doing is giving direction and then providing content for users to go to and I honestly think that that's what Google wants if people will spend more time on the web including on our websites Google will make more money so don't think that Google wants just to keep people on their platform form if people stay on the web Google's making good money in fact Google can show people a lot more ads on my website than they can on the serp but I digress my point here is that with the follow-up feature I think it's more likely that people will follow kind of into a deep dive whereas before people were getting bogged down and having to search a whole bunch of specific things and then reading articles that are only a little bit relevant to what they actually wanted to know because if they typed in a really long question in Google search Google didn't really know all the pieces and couldn't give them all the angles Google's trying to provide that now and so if Google can point people in better directions from the start and have this follow-up feature for people to be able to dive in deeper once they find a piece of their answer they can just dive a little bit deeper and find a much more specific and refined bit of content to help them with the real question that they have so I think we're good it's actually going to lead to a lot more internet browsing like we do today on YouTube and other video platforms that do a much better job of recommend ending sort of next content based upon our Behavior so far so now I'm optimistic but not overly so I don't think blogging is going to get easier as a result of this change in the search engine honestly it's probably going to get harder especially for bloggers who insist on creating commodity content you see I think with the new search engine and with AI in general there's actually going to be dramatically less value in this commodity content that merely answers fact-based questions the AI can already do that and so what we're going to have to do as bloggers is do what bloggers have done best for a long time and that is to provide content that is based upon our experiential knowledge that experiential knowledge that that is what we as bloggers actually bring and add to the Internet it's not just a bunch of facts those facts could be found in an encyclopedia and basically we're just duplicate getting what Wikipedia says don't create commodity content I actually think that's a recipe for failure for bloggers going forward don't just focus on those fact-based search queries and providing answers to those we need to lean in more than ever on our experience and recognize that it's that experiential knowledge that we actually bring to the table the future of blogging is bright there are more people using Google to search the web than any other platform out there but from what I saw in this first look at Google's new search engine I'm actually really excited about the next phase of blogging because this next phase of blogging I think is going to help us essentially get rid of a whole bunch of the commodity content creation Mass product produced content that's that's out there on the web I think it's going to help us filter through that and focus on content that actually adds real value and so we as bloggers kind of get to get back to doing what we do best focusing on our experiential knowledge and using that to create unique and helpful content for our users thank you

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