Quick Node Red Setup with Server Avatar (No Coding)

if you want to use node red you don't have to go through any complex installation process in this video I'm going to show you how to do it with a VPS and server Avatar with a oneclick install no need for terminal or anything complex so let's go jum over to my desktop right now what's up everyone my name is George and I'm going to show you how to install node Rd so you can start using it right away all right in this case I'm going to use a BP PS from our sponsor which is hostinger but you can use any BPS that you like but the back end if you want what's up everyone my name is George and I'm going to show you how easy it is to install node red on your BPS in this case I'm going to use a BPS from a sponsor which is hostinger but you can use any BPS that you like so in this case this is server Avatar and this going to be the BPS manager and the easiest way to install node red now before I show you how let me show you the sponsor for this video which is hostinger let me show you the BPS plant because there's an extra discount C coupon code that I want to show you so in BPS plans they have several plans available I recommend the most popular one but if you need to get started use kbm 1 and if you need more resources jump into kbm form or 8 in this case I'm going to use kbm 2 and in this section it's going to ask us how many months do we want to pay in advance I recommend 24 months you lock in the lowest price lowest renal price and you're good to go for 24 months now currently this is the price but if you add a coupon code which is sasm and apply it the price is going to drop to $150 wor 98 so that's for that all right let's go into server Avatar and the first thing you need to do is obviously install your VPS here on server Avatar if you don't know how to a link in the description will take you to a video that will show you how to do the installation process what I will tell you if that you need to install a node all right BPS server once you do that go into node which is our BPS that we just installed and in this case we're going to go into applications we're going to go into create and and create we're going to name our node red app you can name it whatever you like we can connect our domain in this case I'm going to use a test domain to make things quicker so again node red app here we go it's a one click and I'm going to select node red and I have to give it a username so I'm going to give it something really simple just for testing purposes there we go let's create the application and you won't believe how easy this is and fast all right so it's doing the installation it's going to begin and basically it should take less than a minute to do this there we go node red application has been installed here so let's get a few seconds and boom we should be ready now remember this is a temporary domain if you need to connect your domain later on go ahead and add a new domain and switch it to the primary domain all right so let's go into our node red app right here there we go again we're going use the username that we created node red app let's go ahead and log in we're not going to to save this there's 11-step process here that we're not going to go through let me go and click outside and this is now on our BPS all right so we can go ahead and use this I'm not paying anyone month to month I I have the system here and I can start automating my smart home appliances with connected with API and iot data server Etc everything can be done right here with node red so if you want to install it the easiest way possible this is how using any BPS that you like using server Avatar and installing it and that's a wrap

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